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Junior Church

We continue in our mission to provide activities for children every Sunday and an additional four ‘Messy Church’ events. We have a regular attendance of children throughout the year, and we now also have four young people who act as ‘young leaders’. These older children seem to enjoy the responsibility of supporting younger participants and will step into the role whenever they are available. We are hoping to develop this ‘young leader’ role.


The activities provided on Sundays are linked to that day’s Gospel and to the liturgical calendar. The children listen to an age-appropriate adaptation of the day’s Gospel story and have the opportunity to discuss, make cards, story boards, posters, write prayers, sing, and learn about the liturgy and patterns of the church. We have noticed a deepening of their understanding, which has been displayed by their ability to compare, link and recall previous events and Gospel stories. We believe that the parish enjoys the presence of the children in church, and enjoy hearing at each service about what they have learned about the Gospel.

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