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Building Project Appeal launched!

Parish Office

On Sunday 30th June we launched our Building Project Appeal, the plan to refurbish St Mary's House and improve facilities for the Church. The Parish was delighted to welcome back some former clergy members - David Pitcher, Kevan McCormack and Paul Hambling - as well as Mr Michael Booth (former Master of the Abbey School) and Sir Nick Young (former CEO of the British Red Cross), both of whom have agreed to serve as two of the project’s Patrons.

At a very moving Eucharist, the Rt. Rev Tim Stevens, former Bishop of Dunwich, preached about the need for trust and faith in all communities and, afterwards, fizz and canapés were shared and enjoyed!

Fr Nigel Prior and Bishop Tim Stevens

Mindful of the need to preserve a building at the historic heart of Market Hill, and after receiving a very generous legacy from Dr James Harper (former Deputy Head of Woodbridge School) and other donations, earlier ideas have led to plans for a robust hub for St Mary’s House and wider community, well into the future.

Currently, conversations with grant-giving bodies are in place and there will be a Discovery Morning with coffee and cakes from 10am to12noon in the hall at St Mary’s House on Saturday, 20th July, at which all are welcome.

The church would welcome help from any local person, who may be able to support any part of the fundraising process to completion. Details and some listed events may be found here, and any such offers made via email to


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