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From the Churchwardens

Parish Office

Updated: Jul 4, 2020

We are delighted to bring you much exciting news this week and will tackle it chronologically …

It was a great joy and immense privilege to be present online on Saturday 27th June, when Andy Todd was licensed to the Lay Ministry, prior to his ordination as Deacon early in the autumn and training as a priest within our own parish.

You may have seen on the website Rev John Hare preaching last Sunday’s sermon, certainly a technological first for St Mary’s, for which we thank John and are indebted particularly to Tim Curtis, who gave freely of his time and expertise to film it. This innovation was steered by Rita James, who is leading the Communication Working Party, and this week she has produced an online Eucharist service, with Rev Peter Wintgens as President and several other contributors. It will be available on the website from Sunday. We thank everybody involved and look forward to further developments.

Thanks to much careful preparation by Sue Todd, the Church Shop will open on Saturday, 4th July from 10 am-1 pm and then with reduced hours for a time. We are grateful to the volunteers who feel able to return, but appreciate that at present it is not possible for all.

On Tuesday and again on Wednesday of this week, we received the fine detail needed for public worship to recommence and, after much thought and a meeting with John, Peter, Andy and Norman Porter (Churchwarden, St Mary’s, Great Bealings), it has been decided that, with support for the measures in place from all participants, that would be the right thing for us as a church to do on Sunday, 5th July, when there will be one Eucharist at 10 am. We would ask, please, that you read carefully the guidance before making up your own mind to attend (but very much look forward to seeing you again sometime soon).

As we continue to care for each other in these times of great change, when we are all having to make so many choices, please accept our love, prayers and best wishes for you, your family and friends.

Barbara & Veronica


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