We are delighted to announce the appointment of our new Director of Music, James Davy, from 1st February. James was Organist and Director of Music at Chelmsford Cathedral (2012-2023) and, more recently, became the new School Organist at Royal Hospital School in Holbrook. He graduated from Durham, was Organ Scholar there, and also previously at Portsmouth Cathedral. He then took up an Assistant Music Director post at Blackburn Cathedral. There will be a chance to meet him THIS Sunday, 4th February after our 11am Parish Eucharist (Feast of Candlemas), over refreshments in church!
Sarah Dodds will remain as our brilliant Organist, and very much part of the new ‘Musical Team.’ We are extremely grateful to her for single-handedly carrying so much responsibility for all our Choir work alongside her Organist role. Here’s to a bright new future partnership!
