Servants of the Sanctuary
We are a group of men, women, youngsters and children who assist at services. We make sure that everything is ready before the services, assist during them, and clear up afterwards.
For the Sunday Eucharist and other main services we work in teams, each team consisting of -
Master of Ceremonies(MC) - who ensures that everyone is in the right place at the right time, and assists the Celebrant during the service.
Thurifer - who looks after the incense.
Boat Boy or Boat Girl - who carries the boat containing the incense.
Crucifer - who carries the Cross.
Two Acolytes - who carry the torches.
We are always looking for new members, especially Boat Boys and Girls. As younger servers grow, they move on to become Acolytes, Crucifer, etc. There is no age limit. As far as Boat Boys and Girls are concerned, they need to be able to concentrate for the duration of the service, and carry out their tasks sensibly and reverently. Our aim is to enhance the drama of the liturgy, thereby focusing on the presence of God in the overall life of St Mary's. We consider it an honour and a privilege to serve God in His house.
We meet as and when required for services, and periodically for discussion and training. We also have social gatherings.
If you or your children are interested in becoming a server, please contact us
Email: or Tel. 01394 388820